Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 5: clips

The name of this day is a little deceptive :) Since I didn't end up having nearly as many hair clips as I remembered (I must have gone through them sometime in the last few months) I decided I would stick with the "clips" theme, and get rid of this giant container of paper clips as well. I think one of my sisters gave them to me. I thought I would use them. But honestly, I've had that box for at least 2 years, and I haven't used even one paper clip for it's intended purpose (I used a few to keep my curtain rod attached to the So, I decided I could do without. It's hard for me to just throw them away, because there's nothing wrong with them. But I don't know anyone who needs them, and I'm definitely not taking them back with me when I move. So it's adios paper clips! As for the hair clips, I'm going to put them in with my bag of jewelry and attempt to sell them. And anything that goes unwanted, well then I'll throw them away. So overall I would say today has been successful!

Sunday 1: first day of rest!

So it's Sunday (yes, I know I'm posting this on Monday, but I wrote it Sunday, so it still counts). Sundays during Lent are supposed to be considered a day of rest and reflection and celebration of Christ risen from the grave. I've decided to keep the tradition, so I won't be giving away anything on Sundays (at least not for the purposes of this blog). I decided I will use Sundays to update on the overall progress of the emotional/mental side of giving away my things. So far, it hasn't been difficult to decide on what to get rid of. I have enough extra things that so far it hasn't really hit me that I'm giving much away at all. But this afternoon, as I stood in my room attempting to pack up a box for moving, I realized how hard it will become. Giving away 3-5 items, that's no big deal. But giving away 40 items! I'm already starting to run out of ideas of what to get rid of just in this next week, let alone for the next month. I have always considered myself to be a generous person, but my selfish side is coming out as I find it difficult to let go of things I've had for a long time. Logically, I know that no person really truly needs the things that I have. I have a home, I have clothes, I have food, and I have loving family and friends. But I realize that the more stuff I hang on to and keep around, the less focus I place on the people in my life. So I am really hoping that by the end of this project, my perspective on stuff will have changed. Stay tuned for next Sunday's thoughts!

Day 4: random decorations

I am a master of knick-knacks. I hang on to little things because they are pretty, or in this case, because they actually have my name on them (you wouldn't believe how hard it is to find souvenirs with the name "Melinda," it's not that uncommon...). The "Paris" decor is from college. My roommate and I had our entire dorm room decorated in Paris themed items and posters. This was one that sat near our tv, and it actually has broken in two places over the years. I did some quick repairs with wood glue, but it's really time to let go. It doesn't go with any of the rest of my decor anymore. The little tulip picture holder, I've had that since I was in middle school. I used to use it. But it's a little childish, and has seen better days. The crown, I honestly have no idea where I got that, or why I have it. So I figure that's good enough reason to get rid of it! The others, well they are souvenirs and a project I made way back when (as evidenced by the Lisa Frank sticker on the M... remember her stuff was the coolest!). Overall, it's time to let it go. It is all taking up precious space that could be put to better use :)

Day 3: jewelry galore!

So, I thought it was about time to go through all of my jewelry and get rid of the stuff that I don't wear, and won't wear, and haven't worn for a long time. In total, I think I am giving away/selling/trashing about 12 necklaces, 25 bracelets, 3 pins, and about 15 pairs of earrings (just estimating, I didn't count before cramming it all into a bag). I actually ended up keeping just over half of what I had total. I'm a girl who loves her accessories. I just finally decided that there is a point where you can have too much of a good thing :) Now that I have less to choose from, deciding what to wear each day will be so much easier!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 2: girly clean smelling stuff

I have a hard time throwing away leftover body spray or shampoo or lotion, simply because you never know when you'll need it! But as I'm packing up and preparing to move, I suddenly realized that some of these have been in a bin next to my dresser since I moved. I haven't used them. I haven't even moved them. And even though most people would think nothing of just throwing them away, I still had trouble getting myself to do it, because there is still some left and there's nothing wrong with it! But then I looked at the milk crate full of the rest of my shampoos and hair products and body sprays, and it's completely full. And I don't even see myself using all that I ended up keeping. So maybe I'll purge my collection a bit more, see if maybe I can give some to someone who wants or needs it.

So there you have it. Day 2 has been another successful day of releasing the junk that is cluttering up my life. Stay tuned tomorrow for day 3!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 1: coloring books

Yes, I know I am 25 years old. I used to color in college when I was bored, or when my roommate was working on homework and I had nothing else to do. I still enjoy doing things like that to occupy my mind, but I have realized that I'm finally a little too old to be hanging on to so many coloring books, especially when they are taking up space, which is valuable. So, instead of hanging on to these reminders of simpler times (which, by the way, I haven't touched in at least a year), I am giving them away to a little 5-year-old friend of mine :) She will enjoy these much more than I do.

Giving it up

Today is Ash Wednesday. I don't normally give anything up for Lent. Not that I think it's a bad idea, but growing up, our church didn't place a large emphasis on Lent. And as I got older, I never really saw the point of participating. "I already have a relationship with God" or "I put God first anyway" have been my most often used phrases. But this year, I decided to try something different. I am giving up stuff.

It all started with a mini-marathon of the show Hoarders. I was looking for a good show to watch on Netflix while packing up in preparation for moving in a few weeks. The more I watched, the more I realized how much stuff most people have, stuff that they do not need, have never needed, and could never possibly use. I decided that this year for Lent, I am giving up stuff. Every day of Lent, instead of abstaining from a particular food or activity, I am going to give away or throw away at least one object that I no longer need.

I would never classify myself as a hoarder by any means. But I do have a problem with clutter, and keeping things that I don't really need. I see the possibilities in the random objects that I've kept. I have the best intentions of creating things and decorating things and fixing things, but in reality that doesn't usually happen.

So, the buck stops here. Starting today, I'm letting it all go. I plan on updating daily to make sure I keep on track. So be on the lookout for more posts, and I may even offer my no-longer-wanted items to you!