Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Giving it up

Today is Ash Wednesday. I don't normally give anything up for Lent. Not that I think it's a bad idea, but growing up, our church didn't place a large emphasis on Lent. And as I got older, I never really saw the point of participating. "I already have a relationship with God" or "I put God first anyway" have been my most often used phrases. But this year, I decided to try something different. I am giving up stuff.

It all started with a mini-marathon of the show Hoarders. I was looking for a good show to watch on Netflix while packing up in preparation for moving in a few weeks. The more I watched, the more I realized how much stuff most people have, stuff that they do not need, have never needed, and could never possibly use. I decided that this year for Lent, I am giving up stuff. Every day of Lent, instead of abstaining from a particular food or activity, I am going to give away or throw away at least one object that I no longer need.

I would never classify myself as a hoarder by any means. But I do have a problem with clutter, and keeping things that I don't really need. I see the possibilities in the random objects that I've kept. I have the best intentions of creating things and decorating things and fixing things, but in reality that doesn't usually happen.

So, the buck stops here. Starting today, I'm letting it all go. I plan on updating daily to make sure I keep on track. So be on the lookout for more posts, and I may even offer my no-longer-wanted items to you!

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